K-SB60 chemical oxygen self-rescuer underground mine escape apparatus 60min duration
K-SB60 is a self-contained and closed-circuit breathing apparatus that supply the wearer with oxygen which is generated from a chemicals (KO2), it is a respiratory protective device for self-rescue which functions independently of the ambient atmosphere, protects the wearer during gas outbursts, fires and after explosions against toxic gases and oxygen deficiency while escaping or waiting for rescue.
Approval according to EN13794: 2002, "K" type of oxygen escape apparatus.
Technical data
Duration of walking at a moderate speed................ ≥ 60 min
Duration at rest................................................................ ≥ 180min
Inhalation temperature.................................................. ≤ 50℃
Max temperature on surface........................................ 200℃
Size....................................................................................... (202x119x221)mm
Weight................................................................................. 2.56 Kg
Life in storage.................................................................... 10 years
Life in carrying................................................................... 5 years